

Honor and loyalty

This is the essential quality.

No one can claim to be a champion (warrior in the noble sense of the word) if they do not have an honorable conduct. All other virtues stem from the sense of honor. It demands respect for the moral code and the pursuit of an ideal, in a way that always results in dignified and respectable behavior. It conditions our attitude and way of being towards others. There is no honor without fidelity and loyalty to certain ideals and those who share them. Fidelity symbolizes the unavoidable necessity of keeping promises and fulfilling commitments. Fidelity requires sincerity in words and actions.

This is the essential quality.

No one can claim to be a champion (warrior in the noble sense of the term) if they do not have honorable conduct. From the sense of honor flow all other virtues. It demands respect for the moral code and the pursuit of an ideal, so as to always have a dignified and respectable behavior. It conditions our attitude and way of being towards others. There is no honor without fidelity and loyalty to certain ideals and those who share them. Fidelity symbolizes the unavoidable necessity of keeping promises and fulfilling commitments. Fidelity requires sincerity in words and actions.


This is the essential quality. No one can claim to be a champion (warrior in the noble sense of the term) if they do not have an honorable conduct. From the sense of honor stem all other virtues. It demands respect for the moral code and the pursuit of an ideal, in order to always have a dignified and respectable behavior. It conditions our attitude and way of being towards others. There is no honor without fidelity and loyalty to certain ideals and those who share them. Fidelity symbolizes the unavoidable necessity to keep one's promises and fulfill one's commitments. Fidelity requires sincerity in words and actions.

Respect and integrity

It is to follow the line of duty, without ever deviating from it. Loyalty, honesty and sincerity are the pillars of this righteousness. They allow us to make a fair and reasonable decision without any weakness. Righteousness generates respect towards others and from others. Politeness is the expression of this respect due to others, regardless of their qualities, weaknesses or social position. Knowing how to treat people and things with deference, this helps to avoid numerous quarrels and conflicts.


He must remain humble and not flatter his ego. Pride and vanity significantly hinder learning. Kindness and benevolence cannot be sincerely expressed without moderation in self-appreciation. Knowing how to be humble, free from pride and vanity, without pretense, is the only guarantee of modesty.

Kindness and benevolence

Kindness and benevolence are marks of courage and greatness that denote a high humanity. They urge us to help each other, to be attentive to our neighbor and our environment, to be respectful of life.


This must be the essential quality of any black belt. It represents the ability to master our emotions, our impulses, and to control our instinct. It is one of the main objectives of practicing martial arts as it conditions all our effectiveness, the code of honor and traditional morality taught in the disciplines of bushido are based on the acquisition of this mastery. They represent the ability of any black belt to rise above any situation and master their instinct. A large part of the learning of martial arts is based on this virtue, it conditions our effectiveness.